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To finish off an awesome weekend in which our youth will participate in the 40hr Famine, fasting from food and phones from 7pm on Friday night till 11am on Sunday morning, we as a church community will be joining together for a Winter Feast on the 18th of June following the morning Sunday service.

The FoodBasket will be supplying meat for everyone, free of charge, and all we ask of the church is that each family bring in a salad or a desert or a side dish of some description, so that the whole church can enjoy a meal together. There will be no cost for this event but we hope that you will join us in community and fellowship. Invite anyone you know so that we can share in community and get to know them! This is a time to speak life into one another, and to share community with our church, as well as a local mission in the hopes of inviting in some new faces.

For more information about the 40hr famine, or to donate to the youth group’s 40hr famine fundraiser, visit The 40hr famine website.

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