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No matter the season, LifeGroups are vital to the lifeblood of our church family.  Groups meet together (through group video call) halfway through the week to check in, talk about the sermon on the past Sunday, and to pray for one another.

Many LifeGroups meet on a Tuesday Evening (with the exception of a few that meet on better suiting days/times for the group.)  If you are not plugged into a group, or for some reason your group is not able to meet at this time, consider joining in a group!  Contact Pastor Merryl for information on different LifeGroups for possible fits for you!

Many groups are utilizing Zoom Meetings as their avenue for community.  If your group has stopped meeting, but you feel like you could help get a Zoom Meeting set up for your Group, contact Merryl to see how you can make this happen!

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